Adventure Begins
Adventure begins at Pease this summer!
Join us for all kinds of Summer Reading and Learning fun, including some summer long activities for all ages (be sure to grab our Discover Plymouth "passport").
But we're not the only ones getting on on the adventure themed fun!
The New Hampshire State library is bringing together organizations all over the state are teaming up for the NH Adventure Challenge! Complete it, give your form to us, and you'll be entered to win some great prizes. Our Museum Passes might even help you complete some of the challenges....
SRL registration begins on June 15th. On June 15th registration will ONLY be at Touch-A-Truck. Registration begins at the library on June 17th.
This year we will offer our paper BINGO card and the ability to complete Teen SRL challenges through Engaged Readers
Summer Reading Activities Calendar 2024
Please use our teen calendar of events for a screen reader friendly version of this calendar.
Color code:
blue = all ages
pink = babies, toddlers, and preschoolers
orange = elementary school
green = teens and tweens