Plymouth Residents:
If you own or rent property in Plmouth or own a business/pay property taxes, bring a valid ID or something that has your name and proof of address on it (license, rental agreement, utility bill, etc.)

Residents receive a free library card. Resident cards will expire every 2 years to allow us to update personal information.

Non-Resident Fees: $20 for a 6 month membership or $40 for a 1 year membership (family card).

Non-Resident Seniors:
Non-Resident Seniors 65+: $5 for a 6 month membership or $10 for a 1 year membership.

Children and Teen cards:
Once a child has reached Kindergarten, they may get their own library card! If a parent is a non-resident, children can have their own card attached to their parents account for no additional charge.
Parent signature will be required for all library cards for those 17 and younger.


PSU Students:
PSU students may obtain a free card during semesters while they are in school. You must bring your student ID to receive your library card. Cards will expire on May 1st unless you are attending classes over the summer.

Plymouth Area Students (SAU 48):
Non-Resident students of Plymouth Area schools. Schools include Plymouth Elementary, Plymouth Regional High School, Calvary Christian, Mountain Villiage Charter School, and home school students.  Please bring a student ID or other proof of enrollment.

Teachers working at a public or private elementary or high school in Plymouth can have a card at no charge.

PSU Lamson Library Faculty may have a card at no charge.

For other special circumstances, please see our policy page for complete details. 
Temp cards will be issued at no charge.  There will be a limit of 10 items on a temp card.

Town of Plymouth Employees:
Town of Plymouth Employees can receive a card at no charge.

Lost Cards:
Replacement for lost library cards is $1.00

Access to Materials:
The Pease Public Library does not restrict access to any materials on the basis of a person’s color, religion, national origin, socioeconomic status, sex, or age. Free access to the total library is essential to public library service for the entire community.

New Hampshire laws, RSA 91-A:5 and RSA 201-D:11, protect the privacy of library users except as provided therein in cases involving subpoenas, court orders or other state or federal statutes. Confidentiality as dictated by New Hampshire law extends to information sought or received, and materials consulted, borrowed, or acquired, and includes registration records, circulation records, database search records, reference interviews, interlibrary loan records, and all other personally identifiable uses of library materials, facilities, or services. The Pease Public Library adheres to these laws and protect patrons’ privacy in accordance with them.

Because of this, we do not keep a record of the items you have checked out. There is a way for you to make it accessible to yourself via your library account.   If you log into "my account" , click on account preferences and then search and history preferences.  You can mark the box that says "keep history of checked out items" that will allow you to view the items you have previously checked out.